Weekly Leagues
Men’s Leagues
Ladies’ Leagues
- Wednesday Morning Men’s League – 8:00 A.M.
- Wednesday Evening Men’s League – 5:00 P.M.
Men’s Morning League
All players are required to have a GHIN through the USGA. The cost is $30.00. This enables all handicaps to be in real-time each week and all scorecards will be generated each week by the Golf Genius software.
Play will be with two-man teams
Weekly on Wednesdays between June 9 – August 25
Men’s Evening League
Individual play
Weekly on Wednesdays between June 9 – August 25
- Monday Evening Ladies’ League – 3:45 P.M.
- Thursday Morning Ladies’ League – 9:00 A.M.
Ladies Evening League
The Monday Evening Ladies’ League is a relaxed atmosphere with a variety of games.
Ladies Morning League
The Thursday Morning Ladies’ League is for golfers of all abilities. A variety of games are played throughout the summer in a fun, relaxed, and flexible atmosphere. Handicaps are not used.
Membership is required to play in the Men’s and Ladies’ league. League fees will be determined by the league.
PGA Junior League
PGA Jr. League brings family and friends together for fun team golf. With expert coaching from PGA professionals, this program is for boys and girls wanting to learn the sport, play on teams with friends, wear numbered jerseys, and compete in 2-person scrambles. Go to www.pgajrleague.com to sign up for the 2021 season.